Back at your base you now need to work out what additional information you need to be able to work out if Arthur might recognise any of your wonder points?

You should also assess what else do you need to find out to be able to complete your  'Place Report.'  Take another look at the report form to remind yourselves of what is needed.

Place Report Form.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 46.7 KB

Some things to think about

Think about your wonder points.  

  • Have you collected enough information to be able to turn them into wonder cards?
  • What will you tell Arthur about them?  
  • What extra information do you need?
  • Will he recognise any of them?
  • Do you need any dates? 

Think about Arthur's questions.

  • About the parish today.
  • About the parish around 1204.

Is there any other information you need?


Where to go for information

Where you find the information will depend on the information you need but here are some ideas.

Explore the Time Traveller's Guide.  If you cannot find the information there try following some of the links.

Do some online research. Here are some suggestions of sites to visit. (coming shortly)

Visit the Library and the Public Record Office.  If you live near Worcester it might be worth a visit to The Hive.  Go to the 'Explore the Past' information desk and see if they can help.

Here are some books you may find helpful. (Coming shortly)

Talk to knowledgeable people.


An important note for Team Leaders

Some of the teachers who took part in the Pershore Big Heritage Quest trial commented that much of the information that is available is directed at adults so this sort of research is not suitable for the very youngest detectives. The Go West Heritage Knights are very aware of this and are gradually presenting the necessary information in The Traveller's Guide in a format suitable for family use.  In the meantime it will be necessary for this task to be allocated to the most appropriate member(s) of the team and then pre-digested before sharing it with younger members.  The 'Get the Knowledge Sheets' that accompany the Explore with Arthur Explorer's Packs attempt to do this for you.